Monday, September 30, 2019

Health Care Spending Essay

In the past seven decades health care spending has been increasing tremendously. The industrial era brought in a new system to help population duel with the cost of medical care. New technology has become a much needed investing in the 21st century which has yield to a great margin between small and big facilities. When looking at all of these factors there is no wonder the nation is spend way too much money on health care, although at times might seem that there is not enough. It seems that the right investment is needed to help aid those that need help the most the elderly and unemployed, with the economy in a fragile state and unemployment rates increasing with the quarters there is no question that decisions about how we are spending on health care needs to change. Even though so many factors are involved in the spending this paper would focus on our current level of expenditures, how and where is the money spent, forecasting what would be coming next. Current level of national healthcare expenditures According to â€Å"Physicians for a National Health Program† (2012), â€Å"National Health Expenditures was $2.8 trillion, and the spending as a percent of GDP was 18% for 2012† (National Health Expenditure Projections: Modest Annual Growth until Coverage Expands and Economic Growth Accelerates). When looking at these facts many would even argue we are spending quite enough when it comes to healthcare or perhaps too much, however is the complete opposite not enough spending is in the right place. These figures does not represent the spent on one area of health care the graph below will provide an idea as to what, when, and where was spent on 2009. Total = $2.3 Trillion Source: Martin A.B. et al., â€Å"Growth In US Health Spending Remained Slow in 2010; Health Share of Gross Domestic Product Was Unchanged from 2009,† Health Affairs, 2012. As shown on the graph 51% of the spending is towards hospital care and physician/clinical services which are great to be invested in, however the rest of the spending in my opinion is not proportionally distribute, yes those areas are extremely important but it would be beneficial if more can be distributed along medication, and other professionals services to include the testing and diagnose of serious illnesses such as cancer. The investment is require to subsidize the needs on these areas, 45 percent of people under age 65 who don’t have insurance coverage for prescriptions said they had not filled a prescription in the last year because of the cost. Additionally, 84 percent of working-age people in the U.S. without insurance coverage for prescriptions said they had taken some action such as spending less on groceries or postponing paying other bills in order to pay for their medications, an increase from 71 percent last year (Rowan, 2012). Regarding testing for patients with cancer there should be more funding for the new technology available for test that many patients are not aware, because they cannot afford it or simply because it is not available in their area. Spending: Too much or not enough? In 2010, $2.6 trillion was spent on health care services and products, 61 percent of which purchased hospital care, physician and clinical services, and retail prescription drugs. Private health insurance paid for 33 percent, out-of-pocket sources for 12 percent, and other third party payers and programs for 7 percent. The two largest government health care programs, Medicare and Medicaid, purchased $925.1 billion worth of health care goods and services in 2010, accounting for 36 percent of total health care spending (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2012). The increase of cost would continue to rise according to economists, health care managers, and advisors forcing for a new reform to change the system. Thus many are not too please with this idea is a phenomenal that cannot be avoid, there is a need to change in policies and methods in which we spent or invest in health care. Suggesting that the investment is too little would be a denial statement, everyday more and more patients are relying on programs such as Medicare and Medicaid to get the attention required at the moment. As the economic recession set in deeper less would be available to afford just the basic needs, medication or any treatment; unemployment rates are on the rise and it does not seem it would stop anytime soon. Although the new reform would try to establish some type of stability, until the insurance companies and policy makers come to an agreement to provide a universal premium for service which can be affordable for all, the same problems would continue to emerge. Many factors also have effect on spending considering for example the demand for new technology in the 21st century; this trend has become to some degree a factor in the rise on health care spending. Much of this new technology is beneficial if it provides a new way to used already establish technology, however many studies have revealed that most of them are only here to replace such technology and at some circumstances increase the cost of service. As a country a deeper consideration of such technology is needed not only to save money, but to invest wisely as to what would help the system cut in spending. Future economic needs of health care For years to come the enduring effects of the economic recession and slow recovery, due mostly because of partial growth in incomes, are expected to continue to limit health spending growth. In 2014 the coverage expansions laid out in the Affordable Care Act for Medicaid and for private health insurance are expected to increase the growth rate for health spending, with notable increases expected in spending on physician services and prescription drugs for newly insured patients. By the end of the year, higher income growth and the continuing shift of baby boomers into Medicare are expected to cause health spending to grow roughly two percentage points faster than overall economic growth, which is about the same differential experienced over the past thirty years. Therefore a necessary reform of a national health care perhaps would provide the change needed, the only issue with this suggestion is the funding. Thus a national health care would help every citizen reach the so needed medical attention required at an affordable price there is no surprise that the funding through Federal programs are thinning, and the cost of private insurance keeps on raising. Therefore a more evaluated reform should be put in place where the cost of care should be regulated, and more affordable options are given to the population; an increase on reimbursement of healthcare for basic health needs is necessary to subsidize the cost for complex health needs in order to keep the cost regulated. According to â€Å"Centers For Medicare And Medicaid Services† (2011), â€Å"In 2014, national health spending is projected to rise to 7.4 percent, or 2.1 percentage-points faster than in the absence of reform, as the major coverage expansions from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are expected to result in 22 million fewer uninsured people† (National Health Expenditure Projections 2011-2021). Increases in Medicaid spending growth, and private health insurance growth will contribute to the overall acceleration in national health spending in 2014. There is no question that technology would also continue to raise to help the system provide the best and fast way possible services to those in need. Investing more in health care can only benefit the nation; however the right decisions needs to be made in order to keep the spending growth under control. Reference Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2012). Retrieved from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2011). Retrieved from -Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/Downloads/Proj2011PDF.pdf Martin A.B. et al., â€Å"Growth In US Health Spending Remained Slow in 2010; Health Share of Gross Domestic Product Was Unchanged from 2009,† Health Affairs, 2012. Physicians for a National Health Program. (2012). Retrieved from Rowan, K. (2012). Fox Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

About Poverty Essay

Abandoned Love We seek for love, We seek for care, Our innate feature, But love has vanished. It slowly flew away from us. Left in the cold blizzard, Seeking for love. They pretend for their necessities, But they wouldn’t look back, As it is over. Then the blizzard come again. A guy with receipts walk by, Face of love, Feeling of hate, Heart of despair. People laid on the road, Stoned and pale, Nobody cares, maybe some, To take videos, And tell the world, By just a click. Then the corpses left there, With even colder hearts, We must seek for the love, We have lost long time ago, Unless we want to be abandoned. From where we live Analysis of the poem The poem ‘Abandoned love’ has lots of bizarre meanings. The purpose and  function of the poem is a confession. I wanted to confess about the vicious reality writing this poem. It is said ‘We seek love, we seek care’ shows that we are really in need of love and care now, as more the society develops, the care and love between people vanish. The organization of the poem is a free verse poem, as there is no any specific structure in the poem and it has no rhyming and consistent syllables. The literary devices used are ‘tone’ and ‘personification’. The tone used is despair. The poem basically is about the vicious and egoistic view of the world, and it is described unfortunate and sorrowful. The other literary device used is personification. ‘But love has vanished, it slowly flew away from us’. Obviously, love can’t really fly, but it is used to show that it has disappeared. The word ‘fly’ is used becau se we couldn’t really see it vanishing. The theme is ‘Egoism’, the whole poem discussed about the seriousness of egoism of today’s society. It is mentioned the ‘face of love, feeling of hate, heart of despair’ to show that people only work kindly to earn their own earnings, but inside they show hatred of people. Insomnia I want to sleep, But I can’t, Counting sheep, Still can’t. I dream, With a bottle of pills. But it’s just a rim, Of a bottle of ills. Brighter the screen, Blurrier to be seen. Stronger the wind blow, Desolate journey continue to flow. Analysis of the poem The poem ‘Insomnia’ has a simple meaning. The purpose and function of the poem is an escape. I wanted to describe as an escape from the insomnia writing this poem. It is said ‘I want to sleep, but I can’t’ shows the two different views from the readers. One is a humorous view, and the other is a rather depressing view. The organization of the poem is a quatrain poem, as there is specific structure in the poem and it has rhymes every 2 lines, and there 4 lines structure for every stanza. The literary devices used are ‘mood’ and ‘metaphor’. The mood used is restless. The poem basically is about a guy who can’t sleep, and it has lots of tiring and restless mentions such as ‘desolate journey continue to flow’. Furthermore, the other literary device is ‘metaphor’, I wrote ‘stronger the wind blow’ basically describe insomnia as the strong wind. Insomnia is nothing like strong wind, howe ver both of those harass us, but we can’t touch them or see them. The theme is ‘Insomnia’, the whole poem discussed about the problem of insomnia. It is mentioned the ‘Brighter the screen, blurrier the screen’ to show that people often can’t really make sleep, and use their phones, or portable televisions in the bed. As it is dark, and it is not clear to see the bright screen. shower Oh! She was in a prison waiting to be set free, Her sins made from the outside to be cleaned, Waiting to be judged by the flow of water, Shower, oh, Shower! She was like a lion after hunting and feasting, The melodious song to be sung with, Then the storm of the warm hug finishes, Shower, oh, Shower! The drought has stopped after the rainfall, The rainfall continued until just a pull, Aesthetic flower grow upon the skin, Shower, oh, Shower! Analysis of the poem The poem ‘Shower’ is basically telling humorous but deep meanings to the readers. The purpose and function of the poem is the therapy. It provides a relaxing and pleasant thinking of showering to the readers and me. The organization of the poem is a ballad poem. There are no consistent rhyming or syllables, however, it is like a music lyrics, having some of repetitions and a bit of storytelling. The literary devices used are ‘repetition’ and ‘analogy’. As it is a ballad poem, not necessary, but some of the repetitions are used. For example the phrase ‘Shower, oh, shower!’ is used thrice in the poem. Also there is an analogy in the poem, ‘She was like a lion after hunting and feasting.’ Lion after hunting and feasting gives an imagery of a very filthy and dirty looking beast, and it was basically used to describe being very messy before showering. The theme is ‘purification’, the whole poem discussed about a girl being clean after being dirty in the past. However, it has a deep meaning inside its external one. As it is shown ‘Oh! She was in a prison waiting to be set free’, that’s meaning how someone is depressed in the past. On the contrary, ‘Aesthetic flower grow upon the skin’ meaning that one has been gotten rid of their depression, or other difficulties. It gives a message that one needs to have a break or relaxing moments in their life, not always sticking with their work and routines Desire Rained every day, just looking for a sunny day, What will thy god say? Every time new background takes place, Have to adapt in a fast pace. Just looking to be the heir of the throne, Looking until the breakage of bone. Upon a yellow medal so soft to feel, And an asking price for such a grand deal. Sweat watered down, pooled like rivulets on the floor, A soldier back from the war, battered and sore, Standing tall as a mammoth, the anthem sung The joy so sweet, he could taste it on his tongue Analysis of the poem The poem ‘Desire’ describes about the Olympic as a player’s perspective. The purpose and function of the poem is an expression. I wanted to express about a sports players’ desire. It is said ‘A soldier back from the battlefield, battered and sore’ shows that players are really desperate and passionate for the victory in the games. The organization of the poem is a couplet poem, as there is s specific structure in the poem. It has rhyming every lines in the stanzas, there are only two lines in one stanza. The literary devices used are ‘rhymes’ and ‘simile’. There are lots of rhyming used in this poem as it is a couplet. There are 6 stanzas with 2 lines with rhymes at the end. For example, ‘Just looking to be the heir of the throne, looking until the breakage of bone’. The words ‘throne’ and ‘bone’ rhymes. Also, there is a simile in the poem, such as ‘Standing tall as a mammoth’. It basically describes the victorious player standing on the podium. Obviously the player who wins the gold, will be standing on the highest point of the podium, and it is described as mammoth because it is tall, and so is the victorious player on the podium. The theme is ‘Desire for dream’, the whole poem discusses about the Olympic player’s desire for the medal. As this can also be referred to other people’s desire. There are always rainy days in a year. In this case rainy days symbolize the hard time a person face in their life. However, if one tries hard to get rid of them and try their best for their dream, there will surely be a sunny day at the end. That’s the basic story of the poem. Students We are stuck in a prison with many of the ones who are guilty, But they don’t know why, no one knows the reason. We are punished everyday with harsh tortures, Every one of us question ourselves, why? Oh why? Pressured by the ones who are called our ‘parents?’ But no one answers, even the ones who should know the reason, We focus, we try, we walk, we run, and we fly. In every hour, every minute, every second. Longly been waiting to be released on the graduation day. Though we did not have any trial, conviction, nor testimonies. Analysis of the poem The poem ‘Students’ talk about a very serious subject. The purpose and function of the poem is a sanctuary. It talk about a student who need a sanctuary from the torture of studying. The organization of the poem is a light verse poem, as there is no specific structure in the poem. However, this poem is extremely brief and it is described about a serious topic. The literary devices used are ‘symbol’ and ‘hyperbole’. In the second lines of second stanza, it is said ‘we focus, we try, we walk, we run, and we fly. In this line, there are some motions which seems regardless to students studying. However, those motions symbolizes how hard students study these days. Also, the word ‘prison’ in the first one symbolizes schools. Moreover, the hyperbole is used in ‘We are punished everyday with harsh tortures’ as studying can’t really be a torture. The theme is ‘torture’, this poem can also be referred to the other people, not students. For example, it can also be torture to those business men who work every day. However, it is also important how we get rid of that, which is the message of this poem. Love after love The time will come When, with elation You will greet yourself arriving At your own door, in your own mirror And each will smile at the other’s welcome, And say, sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was yourself. Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart To itself, to the stranger who has loved you? All your life, whom you ignored For another, who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, The photographs, the desperate notes, Peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life. This poem is written by DErek walcott. The reason why i chose this poem is that it has really a good recognization and interpretation of love. The poem basically tell the reader as a speaker how sweet it is to have someone you love. How different one’s life is with and without life. The poem has no rhyming and consistent syllables. There are also inconsistent numbers of lines in every stanza. POverty in 21th century It’s the 21st century The media displays it day and night, Poverty. Poverty across the globe lies Poverty cries out from the belly of little boys Little girls, parents too Desperately searching for food, Shelter, clothing, for love, Companion, for attention Those with plenty, refuse To amend, a world haunted by Poverty. Is poverty affecting the rich? Are their poverty the same As the poor in financial constrains? For they, too, poverty of love I see poverty in the learned I see poverty in those whose Selfish acts are destroying society. I see poverty in all level of humanity The world is still an imperfect place Yet life is still beautiful, the wind Blows, we see it not, give thanks For what you possess, now go, Help if you can along the way, Help to eradicate poverty In your surrounding, widen Your boundary across your Country, to nations of the world. Help to fight poverty, now! this poem has a theme of poverty, and discuss about the seriousness about it. i chose this poem because i know how it feels to be in poverty. It is definitely not a pleasant thing to be in poverty. In this poem, it says about the suffer people in poverty nowadays, as it is said to be 21th century. it is written by Winston Harding. This poem has no rhyming or special numbers of syllables. It basically is a free verse poem What is school like? School is like a prison We can’t leave, School is like an island We are all trapped, School is like a pie It is good at first until you reach the crust, School is like a toilet It is full of germs, School is like a salad You have to put something on it to make it better, School is like a stupid cat It never dies, School is like a garbage truck It smells, it’s big and you can here it from a mile away, School is like a baby It always needs your attention, School is like a shark It just keeps chasing, School is like going to jail. school’, and mostly has negative view of it. It interprets well as a student’s perspective, and gives a lot of analogy and examples of them. It is written by the poet Jacob Gifford, and the reason why i chose this poem is mostly because of him. Hemade lots of poems which intrigued me. This poem has no rhhymings mostly. it has 2 lines in every stanza, which thus look like a couplet poem. However, there are no consistent rhyming betweem stanzas. society Black hole in my chest swallows all my best intentions And the fear of loneliness hurts worse than ever experiencing it Trying to constantly create this facade of nothingness Best disguise I’ve ever produced Trying to hide behind my own face in order to distinguish Needing a place in your shallow world And struggling against the grain I end up swimming in the same pool The same circle again and again Hoping for a way out Or better yet a way in Make me weak in the knees Silly in the brain, that’s what I’m sick of having to feign Relinquish your soul for a bit attention The gift I’m willing to give A sacrifice might be a better word to describe my cold heart’s intentions Struggling to break free, Struggling to be, Struggling to never need Your acceptance this poem discuss about a very serious theme. This talk about the current society, how people show no love and care between each other and how they disguise and fake themselves to get rid of loneliness. However it is basically a same cycle a person faces, it goes the same no matter how people try.This poem is written by lauren miller, and i chose this poem because it makes the reader a deep thinking about the theme. Time Time Time, the thief of life, Time, an unwinnable fight, Time, brings the work of death, Time, brings a newborn’s breath. Time, brings couples together, Time, keeps love going forever, Time, an instrument of healing, Time, it can be revealing. Time, brings us wrongs and rights, Time, brings all humans fright, Time, can be good or bad, Time, makes us happy and sad†¦ Time, ‘this what gives life meaning, Time, ‘this oh so demeaning, Time, our memories it will rinse, Time, for it’s the world’s balance. This poem basically talks about the topic ‘time’. It may look like it has rather simple meaning compared to other poems. HOwever, it has a really deep meaning. it shows how important time is in a person’s life. It has much deeper meaning than it might have beem seemed like. It can simply end a person’s life. it is written by the poet, josepth walter duggan. The reason why i chose this is that this poem gives a deep thinking of the poet about the sbject time, and i agree with most of those lines about it. Work Citation Page Walcott, Derek, ‘Love After Love’, Poem Hunter, Poem Hunter, 2003, 15th February 2014 Harding, Winston, ‘Poverty in 21th century’, Poem Hunter, Poem Hunter, 2011, 15th February 2014 Gifford, Jacob, ‘What is school like?’, Poem Hunter, Poem Hunter, 2008, 15th February 2014 Miller, Lauren, ‘Society’, Poem Hunter, Poem Hunter, 2010, 15th February 2014 Duggan, Joseph, ‘Time’, Poem Hunter, Poem Hunter, 2008, 15th February 2014

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Organisational Culture of the Grameen Bank Coursework

Organisational Culture of the Grameen Bank - Coursework Example Grameen Bank is one of such banks which stand apart from any other banks, not just for its banking service, but also for the service it provides to the nation. Muhammad Yunus is the person who is to be credited for coming up with such a unique concept of Grameen Bank in Bangladesh that started in the year of 1976. He believed that credit is a human right, and everyone should be allowed to receive the facility of loans and just for the reason, an individual is poor he or she should not be deprived of getting credit facility from the banks (PBS, 2011). He prepared a methodology and institution focused on the circumstances and needs of the people who are very poor. The government of Bangladesh took an initiative of changing this project into an independent bank through the help of government legislation in the year 1983 (Grameen Bank, 2011). Mohammad Yunus was rewarded with Noble Prize in the year 2006 for his effort of struggling against the poverty by enabling poor people with credit facility through the medium of Grameen Bank. This was a noble cause indeed, as no individual has ever thought of coming up with ideas for poor people. Grameen Bank has achieved quite a success in alleviating poverty from the country, Bangladesh, over the past decades. Unlike others, he thought that Charity is not a right initiative towards solving poverty, so the Grameen Bank was formed. The Grameen Bank has adopted certain initiatives for encouraging the poor to use their under or unutilized skills by providing them with small collateral-free loans. The Grameen Bank has been successful in incorporating group-based lendings, obligatory savings and insurance systems, facility of repayment rescheduling in the time of disasters, and encouraging similar other schemes that have proved to be effective in minimizing both material and behavioral risks of lending (Khandker, 1996). Grameen Bank has been well-organized in terms of designing its programmes, most of which were for the betterment of the poor people and female members. One of the reasons behind its success as a rural financial intermediary is its subsidy dependency. It is renowned for its reliability even outside Bangladesh and its impact on the poor and the women is incredible. Its mission stands as to help the poor families along with special attention upon female members to overcome poverty, by themselves. It is entirely targeted to the poor, mainly towards poor women, empowering poor female members has become their one of the main motives (Grameen Bank, 2011). The culture of the organization mostly emphasizes on empowering the poor women. It is believed that if the lady of the house is empowered, the house itself is empowered. They provide various supports and initiatives in encouraging the women to earn their livelihood through microfinance. This paper deals with the organizational culture of the Grameen Bank with regards to microfinance and impact of those initiatives on the women (Strong, 2007). Organ isational Culture Organisational culture is a process of shared beliefs, values, assumptions, and customs of the members of an organization. In general terms, it can be said that it is the reflection of the working environment and members’ perceptions towards the organization.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Art Influence the Exhibitions Musicals Drama Museums Essay

How Art Influence the Exhibitions Musicals Drama Museums - Essay Example Art has influenced architecture, music, exhibitions, museums, drama and a variety of other aspects of life. Therefore, this discussion seeks to establish the major influences that art have had on a variety of aspects in life, with a view to creating an appreciation of the relevance of art in life. Thus, the influence of art in exhibitions, musicals, drama, and museums form the subject of this discussion. The primary function of museums has been defined as that of collecting and preserving objects (Salamensky, 2012:72). Nevertheless, the truth remains that Museums are not simply involved in the mere collection of objects, but more specifically the collection and preservation of objects that might be of a relevant value to the society in terms of historical essence to the society, which needs to be passed over from one generation to the other (Duthie, 2013:n.p.). No wonder therefore that museums have been closely associated with archiving, since almost any of the objects that are collected and preserved in the museums has a certain relevant historical value, either at the time it is collected or in the future. Museums play the role of display of the relevant objects that have been collected and preserved for posterity. The Post-humanist Desire Exhibition on display graphic design has been applied to divide the exhibition into several themed sections, such as transformed human section, cloned human section, and the transgendered human section, thus graphic design has helped to present the divergent complex characteristics of human beings in the 21st century. The application of art in the Post-humanist Desire Exhibition on display is in the form art symbolism, where the welcoming message of the museum is made of a combination of the message â€Å"Welcome† with an addition of a gorgeous peacock to symbolize beauty (Culture Taiwan, 2013:n.p.). This combination of both textual and graphic art design is artistically interpreted to mean Beauty is everywhere a welcome guest† (Culture Taiwan, 2013:n.p.).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Current home to your dream home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

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The Democratic role of political parties in Canada, Mexico, U.S.A- Do Essay

The Democratic role of political parties in Canada, Mexico, U.S.A- Do political parties in these countries assist in the working of democracy in terms of accoun - Essay Example Political parties will have, generally speaking, carried out research on issues that are of importance to the electorate and try to seek the activation and reinforcement of voters underlying predispositions (Anderson, 1). Most citizens in a country are likely to agree that the reason for the existence of political parties is to provide coherent political options from which citizens can select what is best for them (Fox, 5 - 7). This means that in a democracy, political parties should be able to provide a platform for all those who have a common vision with a structure and a process that will make it possible for them to achieve the desired vision with the permission of a majority of electorate. The will of the electorate is tested in an election and those who have presented a vision that has an appeal to the majority are handed over the right to govern through their nominated candidates. Thus, brokerage, policy formulation and the election as well as support of the right candidates t o public office is also an important expectation from a political party. However, it becomes necessary for political parties to establish a balance between the various roles that they are expected to play, because of resource constraints and priorities, as well as determining what may be more important. This brief essay attempts to investigate the democratic role of political parties in three countries, namely Canada, Mexico and the United States of America in order to try and learn from the democratic experiences from these three countries. Three political parties, namely the Bloc Quà ©bà ©cois in Canada, Republican Political Party in the United States of America and the Institutional Revolutionary Party (Partido Revolucionario Institucional) or the PRI in Mexico were selected for examination and the next section presents a discussion of how the previously mentioned political parties have contributed to the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Legal citations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Legal citations - Assignment Example James Mathes Garrett had a conviction by the jury of one count of bank robbery. It was in violation of 18 U.S.C. Â § 2113 (a) and (d). Garrett sentence was a term of incarceration of eight years and one month, followed by forty-eight months of supervised release. In his appeal, Garrett raised several issues that were challenging both his conviction and the sentence. After the court had reviewed the record, the issues were found to be with no merit. The defendant had a conviction for armed robbery and murder and received concurrent terms of 50 and 30 years in prison. The Supreme Court held that plain error doctrine did not apply in the case after the defendant raised the issue of unfair judgment. The disposition did not reach all the issues the defendant presented; the Supreme Court had directions to consider those questions. Gilbert Martinez-Jimenez, the defendant, appeals his conviction after a bench trial on one count of armed bank robbery. It was in violation of 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2113 (a) & (d). Martinez contends that the court was wrong in deciding that the toy gun that he had in the bank robbery was a "dangerous weapon" as defined by Act 18 U.S.C. Sec. 2113 (d). The judgment of the district court was right in his decision. Alton Campbell appealed his conviction of two counts of offering to pay voters in violation of 42 U.S.C. Â § 1973i (c) (1982). The county judge of Newton County, Arkansas, was acquitted of his crime, twelve counts of vote-buying, one count of voting numerous times, and one count of conspiracy, 18 U.S.C. Â § 371 (1982). On appeal, the defendant argues that there was no sufficient evidence to support the results of the ballot of Pamela Cross. Eugenia Toney was playing on a public sidewalk in Arizona when she was bitten by a German Shepherd dog on September 13, 1976 that is owned by Harlean Bouthillier. The dog had no leash, and it was roaming in the neighborhood Eugenia had to go through several operations. The plaintiff argued

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion Research Paper

Is True Love Real or Just an Illusion - Research Paper Example scientifically rigorous in their characterization of the concept, however they disagree on what constitutes love and to what extent the traditional concept of true love is the same today as it was in past generations. This essay considers these perspectives in regards to Raymond Carver’s short story and offers its own unique perspective on the concept of ‘true love’. Raymond Carver’s short story ‘What We Talk About, When We Talk about Love’ examines the concept of love from a number of angles. One such formulation is presented by Mel’s wife Terri. Terri describes a relationship she had with her former husband Ed who used to abuse her because he couldn’t gain total control over her. Later in the story Mel posits a different version of love wherein a senior citizen couple gets in a traffic accident and the husband is in despair because he is unable to turn his head to view his wife. While the story presents these concepts a different types of love, they actually function very similar in logically supporting their claims. These are examples where ‘true love’ is understood by its intensity of expression. That love is not a medical or scientific example, but is an intensity of feeling that is surfaces in things such as the example described. Throughout the conversation Nick and Laura remain passive participants and are in great part dominated by Mel. The story notes that Mel is a cardiologist -- that is, a doctor used to formulating medical prescriptions and categorizing human functions. It follows that he would be the most confident in overtly defining what ‘love is’. In a sense, Mel believes that love can be understood and defined through reason: love is passionate intensity; love is deep devotion, etc. When Nick and Laura respond to the question they nudge each other under the table and then Nick takes Laura’s hand and kisses it. This is an understanding of love that is not defined but felt. Nick and Laura are not able to define their

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Managing People Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing People - Term Paper Example Strategic human resource management should be adopted by the company in order to address the issues in its operations. The starting point of all the issue for any company is its relative strength in terms of strategic management—the clarity of the goals of the company in line with its mission and vision, in order to create good strategies in order to meet those goals. Without the goals and clear strategic direction, even those which are perceived to be the best human resource practices will mean nothing if they would not play a role in fulfilling a company’s objectives FTL’s lacks strategic direction as a company until Steve Davidson has started to craft a vision, as according to the case, â€Å"Steve had considered Anders management style to be too ‘seat of the pants’ and worked hard with his management team to create a vision for the business (Mason 2000, 11).† The company’s lack of strategic direction leads a cluttered approach to human resource management as evident in the policies which do not support any concrete corporate objective for the company. Because the company lacks strategic direction, an organizational structure is not tailored to support any strategy to fulfill a corporate objective. This leads to a corporate structure that often leads to conflicts, and one that does not utilise an integrated approach to the company’s operations. The shift of organizational structure from individualised jobs to work teams in order to promote a team working culture is vital in order to address the integration issues that arise from customer frustrations and lack of ownership. Structure plays a huge role in the organization’s processes, as stated in the case, â€Å"After the training had been completed there was a noticeable improvement in attitude between and within teams, although changes in staffing and team structures tended to undermine the benefits (Mason 2000, 14).† Communication is very vital to

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Explore how perceptions of belonging and not belonging can be influenced by connections to people. Essay Example for Free

Explore how perceptions of belonging and not belonging can be influenced by connections to people. Essay Belonging is the complex process whereby perceptions of self and social allegiances are formed. As You Like it by William Shakespeare and Chocolat directed by Lasse Hallstrom are two texts that explore how perception of belonging and not belonging can be influenced by connections to people. William Shakespeare’s As You Like It is a play that follows exiled characters into the forest, where relationships are mended and formed under the healing role of nature. Dramatic irony is used to convey belonging when Ganymede tells Orlando in Act 3 Scene 1: â€Å"I would cure you if you would but call me Rosalind and come everyday to my cot to woo me. † The dramatic irony creates humour as everybody but Orlando knows that Ganymede is, in fact, Rosalind. In Rosalind’s lines, she tries to outline how Orlando mistakes his love for her with true belonging. Although Orlando does not know he is in contact with her, the audience is able to view how Orlando, in actuality, does find a true sense of belonging in her through his adamance in wooing Rosalind, despite Ganymede’s discouraging attempts. The dramatic irony allows the characters to establish a sense of belonging, as Rosalind is able to comprehend Orlando’s genuine feelings for her and grow an attachment toward him. A soliloquy is used to reveal the unspoken reflections of Oliver as he refers to his brother, â€Å"I hope I shall see an end to him. For my soul – yet I know not why – hates nothing more than he†¦ that I am altogether misprized.† It is clear in his words that Oliver is jealous of Orlando. Through his unjust actions and unnatural feelings, a wedge is forced between the two brothers, ceasing their feelings of filial connection. The soliloquy is able to prove how despite being a member of a group, it does not mean true belonging is achieved. The notion that perceptions of belonging and not belonging can be influenced  by connections to place is further justified through the use of simile between court and country life. Their opposing qualities are contrasted by Duke Senior in Act 2 Scene 1, â€Å"Are not these woods more free from peril than the envious court?† The simile immediate displays Duke Senior’s attachment to the Forest of Arden. By comparing the safe haven of Arden with the evil nature of the ‘envious court’, a feeling of belonging is not only established, but also, Duke Senior’s estrangement from the court and its citizens are highlighted. The technique portrays how belonging cannot only be found in relationships and people, but also within places. Through Duke Senior’s pejorative feelings of the court, it is apparent that although he once was a member of the group, he did not feel as though he truly belonged. Chocolat is a film that explores the idea of ‘never confuse membership of a group with true belonging’. The town is set in a small provincial town of Casquenet, France. The story follows Vianne, a chocolatier as she faces the obstacles to overcome the struggle of finding a sense of connection with the townspeople. The community is portrayed as a conservative group of people who follow a set of rigid rules that shape what is acceptable of not. Immediately, the idea that belonging can not be found in connections to groups and communities as the townspeople conform to one another and find a sense of unity in doing so. This is indicated in the voice over, â€Å"If you lived in this village, you understood what was expected of you. You knew your place in the scheme of things. And if you happened to forget, someone would help remind you†¦ Villagers held fast to their traditions.† Although a sense of belonging within the community is established, the voiceover also highlights the absence of individuality in the town. Through the oppressive guidelines the townspeople must follow, there is a disconnection between an individual and their sense of self-identity – a significant platform needed to belong. Josephine is disconnected to those around her as she fails to conform to her fellow tonspeople. : â€Å" Josephine Muscat, she waltzes to her own tune.† Through Josephine’s dialogue, â€Å"You just don’t misbehave around here. Did you know that? If you don’t go to confession, if you don’t†¦ then you’re crazy!†Ã‚  it is revealed how the pressure to conform has caused Josephine’s anxiety and her feeling of alienation. Although Vianna becomes a member of the town, her true sense of belonging is not present. With her arrival, she is the subject of great curiosity and judgement. Though costuming, characterization and facial expression, Vianne’s character is juxtaposed against the dull villagers. Viannce, always with a friendly, smiling countenance and dressed in bright, colourful clothing, is portrayed as a lively character who shakes up the mundance patterns of the townspeople’s everyday lives. With the opening of her chocolaterie, people’s lives are enriched. They are happier as their inner desires are awoken and they are encourage to embrace their individuality. The techniques of costuming, characterization and facial expression demonstrate not only how mere membership can be confused with belonging but also how individuals can challenge or enrich a group or community. Through the various literary and filmic techniques discussed above, the two texts, As You Like It and Chocolat are able to explore†¦

Friday, September 20, 2019

Does Poverty Exist in the Uk?

Does Poverty Exist in the Uk? Does Poverty exist in contemporary Britain? The answer to this question depends to a large extent on how poverty is defined and measured. It is, like many sociological issues, an ‘essentially contested concept’ and as such, there has been much debate around what exactly constitutes poverty. However, even accepting that poverty itself denotes different things to different people, it can still be argued that poverty or indeed ‘poverties’ are a real problem in Britain today which need to be addressed by government and society in order to optimise equality in our society. How should we define poverty? It is useful firstly to refer to some widely used definitions. Charles Booth writing in 1889 was one of the first to explore the area of poverty when he published a work showing that one third of Londoners were living in dire poverty. By ‘poverty’ he was referring to a ‘lack of basic requirements to sustain a physically healthy existence [and] sufficient food and shelter to make possible the physically efficient functioning of the body’ (cited in Giddens, 2001, p236). This is referred to as subsistence poverty- literally not having the means to survive. Benjamin Rowntree referred to primary poverty and secondary poverty. By primary poverty he meant those who were unable to afford a basket of necessities for ‘merely physical efficiency’. Secondary poverty referred to those who had more income than those living in primary poverty but who still suffered poverty lifestyles. (cited Flaherty et al 2004, p16) Another widely quoted definition of poverty is Townsend’s. In 1979 he stated, ‘Individuals, families and groups in the population can be said to be in poverty when they lack the resources to obtain the types of diet, participate in the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary, or are at least widely recognised or approved, societies to which they belong. Their resources are so seriously below those commanded by the average individual or family that they are in effect, excluded from ordinary living patterns, customs and activities’ (cited Flaherty et al, 2004, p17). Whilst the World Bank described poverty as ‘the inability to attain a minimal standard of living’, the UN defines poverty as follows: ‘Poverty has various manifestations including lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods; hunger and malnutrition; ill health; limited or lack of access to education and other basic services; increased morbidity and mortality from illness; homelessness and inadequate housing; unsafe environments and social discrimination and exclusion. It is also characterised by lack of participation in decision making and in civil, social and cultural life. It occurs in all countries: as mass poverty in many developing countries, pockets of poverty amidst wealth in developed countries, loss of livelihoods as a result of economic recession, sudden poverty as a result of disaster or conflict, the poverty y of low-wage workers, and the utter destitution of people who fall outside family support systems, institutions and safety nets’ (Flaherty et al 2004, p13). From this range of definitions can be seen the difference between absolute and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is based on the notion of subsistence which in itself is defined as the minimum amount needed to sustain life. As Alcock points out however, it is a contradiction to say someone is living below subsistence levels because, how can those without enough to live on, live? (1997, p68) The answer of course is that they do not- or at least not for very long. In contrast relative poverty is, in Alcock’s words, ‘a more subjective or social standard’ (1997, p69). This is the poverty which Townsend refers to where poverty and deprivation are judged in the context of the society in which an individual lives. Townsend also looked at poverty in terms of how it affected an individual’s ability to engage in social activities. From this the notion of social exclusion was developed and definitions of poverty broadened to include various types of deprivation. Townsend developed a deprivation index based on items which he saw as necessary to the whole of society and used these along with income levels to measure deprivation. However, there are some difficulties with this approach. For example as Baldock et al point out, where one of the deprivation indicators was not eating cooked meals, some people may prefer to eat salads and sandwiches from choice. (Baldock et al 2003, p119) Therefore it is difficult to differentiate where in some instances people may choose to be without what Townsend considered to be a necessity. Mack and Lansley further developed Townsend’s work by coming up with a ‘consensual approach top poverty.’ They asked respondents what they considered as necessities and from this feedback they measured poverty which they defined crucially as ‘an enforced lack of socially perceived necessities’ (cited in Baldock et al p119). By referring to ‘socially perceived necessities’ they avo ided having to make judgements on what constituted necessities. The difficulties with subsistence approaches to poverty is that it is inevitable that at some point an arbitrary decision will have to be made about what exactly is needed for subsistence. On the other hand, the problem with the relative measure of poverty is that where a society may have a small section of extremely wealthy people, the level of what is considered to be poverty relatively may be artificially high. For our purposes, it is easier to work with Sen’s assertion that ‘if there is starvation and hunger then, no matter what the relative picture looks like there clearly is poverty’ (cited Flaherty et al 2004, p17). However it is measured, it is clear that poverty exists and is even becoming a more acute problem in contemporary Britain. Flaherty et al cite statistics which reveal that between 1979 and 2001/2 the numbers of people living in households with below 60% of the median income after housing costs rose from 7.1 million to 12.5 million, that is, from 13% of the population to 22% of the population (2004, p31). Nearly a third of children in the UK live in poverty and this figure is even higher in Northern Ireland. In March 2003, 7.6 million British people were living on the safety net of benefits of income support or the jobseeker’s allowance. By the mid nineties, Britain’s child poverty rates were third only to the USA and Russia (2004, p69). The measure used to determine poverty by the British government is based on the Household Below Average Income Statistics. The HBAI looks at data along a number of income thresholds. The 60% of median income after housing costs, adjusted for family size, is a measurement tool used as a proxy for income poverty. As Flaherty et al state, ‘it is an explicitly ‘relative’ measure which looks at how people at the bottom of the income distribution have fared in relation to the median’ (2004, p31). As well as being used by the British government, it is also the headline indicator used by the European union to determine those who are at risk of poverty. Although the poverty we refer to here is largely to do with income and having the basic necessities in life- the term poverty is also used to describe people who are missing out on elements of social life which may be considered important by others. For example, cultural poverty or educational poverty. Whilst education is accepted as a basic human right, not having an education does not necessarily mean that a person cannot live a healthy and happy life, whereas not having food and warmth does. These poverties might be more aptly described in terms of social exclusion. Blakemore highlights the differences between social exclusion and poverty. Firstly, social exclusion focuses on relationships to society rather than material resources. Secondly social exclusion normally refers to exclusion from educational opportunities or from the labour market. Thirdly, remedies for social exclusion are different than those for poverty (2003, p85) What kind of people are at risk from poverty? Whilst it would seem natural to assume that unemployed people would be most at risk, this is not the case. Bilton et al (2002) outline which groups o people are more likely to suffer poverty and assert, ‘it is people in low-paid, insecure work who constitute the bulk of those below the income poverty line.’ The second largest group of people likely to suffer poverty are the elderly. ‘because life expectancy has increased, earlier retirement has become more common and state pensions have reduced in real terms, the elderly comprise an ever larger section of the poor. Unequal life chances continue through old age.’ Another group at risk are lone parent families and although less common, large families. In addition those who are sick or disabled are also more vulnerable to poverty(Bilton et al 2002, pp78-79). Millar argued in 1993 that three factors have contributed to the growth of poverty: a significant level of un employment; the increase in low-paid work; the growth of ‘precarious’ or ‘flexible’ employment (cited Bilton, 2002, p79). Such employment patterns tend to optimise profit and boost the economy but the downside is that vulnerable workers especially in unskilled occupations, are lacking in job security and all the benefits that brings. Another question which must be asked is whether it is possible to escape poverty. This depends on social mobility which Giddens defines as ‘the movements of individuals and groups between different socio-economic positions’ (2001, p229). The evidence seems to suggest that whilst those most at risk of poverty may be likely to always be vulnerable to extreme poverty, many people suffer regular periods of short-term poverty. As Jenkins et al state, ‘from a dynamic perspective, one may distinguish three groups: the persistently poor, the recurrently poor, and the temporarily poor’ (cited Flaherty et al 2004, p47) Jenkins et al’s studies over a number of years (1991-1999) found that a pattern emerged of ‘one of relatively short poverty spells for the majority, but relatively long spells for a significant minority.’ For many people life events can be the push factor in or out of poverty. For example exit from family poverty is most likely to co me through finding paid work whilst a change in household composition is more likely to assist a lone parents family’s exit from poverty. (Flaherty et al 2004, p48) In conclusion, the evidence is ample to show that poverty is a very real problem in Britain today whether it is measured in relative or absolute terms or whether it is conceptualised along lines of deprivation or exclusion. What is perhaps most worrying is that as a society, Britain is becoming more unequal than ever before. For example between 1979 and 1995, whilst the incomes of the richest tenth of the population rose by 60%, the incomes of the poorest tenth fell by 8% (Hills 1995, cited Baldock et al 2003, p121). This was still the case in the late 1990s when, according to Gordon et al, ‘the disposable incomes of the poorest and richest groups were still edging apart’ (cited Blakemore, 2003, p78). Those who are most likely to experience a reduction in income levels include ethnic minorities and women. Children are also more likely to suffer the worst effects of poverty. In 1999, Blair promised to end child poverty in a generation. It remains to be seen whether this w ill be achieved although with a mandate for a third term, it can only be hoped that important work already carried out to tackle child poverty will be consolidated. Some policy changes have already begun to make a difference in child poverty but poverty as a whole is still an issue which needs more time and resources devoted to it if poverty is to be eradicated. References Alcock P, (1997)Â  Understanding Poverty 2nd Edition Basingstoke: Palgrave Baldock J, Manning N, Vickerstaff S (2003) Social Policy London: Oxford University Press Bilton T, Bonnett K, Jones P, Lawson T, Skinner D, Stanworth M, Webster A, (2002) Introductory Sociology 4th Ed Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Blakemore K, (2003) Social Policy an introduction Buckinghamshire: Oxford University Press Flaherty J, Veit-Wilson J, Dornan P (2004) Poverty: the facts 5th Edition London: Child Poverty Action Group Giddens A, (2001) Sociology Cambridge: Polity Press

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Incident By Countee Cullen Essay -- Poetry Racism

Literary Appreciation #1- â€Å"Incident† by Countee Cullen   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Incident†, is a poem that was written to make us as readers think, not only about racism but also about how one occasion can allow us to judge a race, or a place. Racism is an issue that plagues not only African-Americans but also other creeds, genders, and races. In this essay I will discuss the poem and the role that racism took within it, by using personal knowledge, the text, and obtained research.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The poem in its self takes on a rhyme scheme that allows you the reader to feel the narrator, so that you can not only imagine that you were there, but you can also almost gather the same feelings as the narrator. In the begin he talks about how he first rode through Baltimore happy, and filled with glee. Unti...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Analysis of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Essay -- Brave New World

Analysis of Brave New World by Aldous Huxley Brave New World by Aldous Huxley was published in 1932 after two major global events- World War Two from 1914-1918 and The Great Depression of 1929-1933. These two events changed the way people saw the world and made people see the events were beyond the control of individuals and even governments. Also at this time the world was seeing the rise in technology and the view that science could help solve some of the problems. Much of the technology has been developed because of the war and the mass of people had suffered because of it. All problems with society led to a rise in totalitarian regimes such as those in Russia, Italy and Germany. Huxley uses the novel to question the usefulness of the one party state and shows how it eliminates freedom for the individual. Also in his dystopia, he looks at many areas that we have in our own society such as family, relationships, education, social classes and the role of the individual in society. He shows how far the new world has moved away from nature- they even condition the children to avoid it. The reservation is the only place that has nature and spirituality but it also has its own set of problems that come with freedom. Themes In The Wild: In BNW nature has been eliminated in the ‘civilised’ world and individuals are conditioned to avoid it. For example, in chapter 2, we see babies who crawl towards flowers and books and are conditioned to avoid them by noise, bells and electric shocks. The children are being conditioned because ‘A love of nature keeps no factories busy’. We see the psychological training show its effect in Lenina’s reaction to any form of the natural world. For example, her reaction ... ... Sebastian is brilliant but alone; Deckard is alone as is Tyrell who is symbolically a ‘God’ and is the most powerful man in the film. Even people on the street seem hurried and alienated, struggling to survive. Their attitude to nature is non-existent because for most people the natural world doesn’t exist anymore. Some individuals, like replicants, carry memories but nothing real seems to exist. People relationship with and attitudes to nature is complex in both BNW and BR. In the BNW individuals who live in the city are conditioned to hate nature and this is life long. Those that live on the Reservation struggle to survive and nature is a complex and difficult part of their lives. The setting in BR has eliminated the natural world and consumed all of its resources. The people have little or no nature to relate to and these determine their attitude.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Why American Troops Are Being Sent Overseas :: essays research papers

American troops are being sent overseas to maintain peace in a nation involved in a civil war. Whether the peace troops should or should not be sent overseas, they are being sent overseas. I do not believe that it is the responsibility of American troops to make peace in a country that is at Civil war. A civil war is a war fought within a nation between that nations people. By sending peace troops to East Timor the United States is now becoming involved in this nations war. This could cause the United States to go to war. The arrival of multinational troops could bring more violence, destruction, and chaos to East Timor. On the other hand it could also bring protection to the many people who have fled the violence from the Indonesian Militia. Force should not have to be used to make or keep peace in any country; therefore it is not necessary for American troops to have to risk there lives trying to make peace in a country that won’t make peace until they get what they want, INDEPENDENCE. Sending troops into Dili, East Timor may help persuade the people to make peace, but it is not necessary to send all of those troops. Just a few mediators would be sufficient to help make peace. If the nations at battle would just talk they might be able to negotiate a peace treaty and there would be cooperation without more violence. American troops would not be exposed to the violence either.The United States is a country known for helping other countries in there time of need, and the United States always plays a big role in every country, whatever the situation may be. East Timor is fighting for there independence. The United States should not send more troops to help the Dili militia fight, but send trained people who know how to persuade people to make peace. Then the United States would be setting a good example by not using violence, and would still be protecting the people. The role of the United States is very important, and the United States has quite an image to keep up. Sometimes the United States does not know what the right decision is, and until they try one of there choices they will not know what the right or wrong decision is. It is not the United States responsibility to make peace in a country at civil war.

Chemistry Stpm Essay

A – Structural Questions: Question 1. (a)(i) The presence of isotopes 1M (ii) Let the abundance of 63X be a %. The % abundance of 65X. = ( 100 – a ) 1M Relative atomic mass = ( 62. 93 x a) + ( 64. 93 x ( 100 -a) ) 1M 100 63. 55 = 62. 93a + 6493 -64. 3a 100 6355 = -2a + 6500 a = 69. 0% 1M The % abundance of 65X = 100- 69. 0 = 31. 0 % Relative abundance 63X : 65X 1 : 2 1M (iii) Relative Abundance 63 64 65 Relative mass /m/e 2M SpeciesprotonsneutronsElectrons 20 Ne 10 10 10 10 16O2- 8 8 8 10 2 M The species have same number of electrons or isoelectronic. M —————- 10M 2. (a) (i) H2O2 + 2H+ + 2 I- > 2H2O + I21M (ii) Rate = k [H2O2] [I-]1M (iii) 0. 21M 0. 11M (iv) second order1M (b) (i) 121M (ii) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2. 1M (iii) +2 , X has two valence electrons2M (iv) X is a better electricity conductor. 1M —————- 10M 3. (a) Atomic size increases, screening effect increases with more inner shells of electrons 1M effective nuclear charge decreases, ionisation energy lowered, valence electrons are more easily removed. 1M (b) i. Be2+ (aq) + 4H2O (l) > [ Be (H2O)4 ]2+ (aq)1M ii. It is acidic, acting as a Bronsted-Lowry acid1M The Be2+ ion has a high charge density 1M and can strongly polarise large anions due to its smaller size. 1M The ions of other Group 2 elements have larger sizes and charge densities and weaker polarising power (d)i. platinum and rhodium1M ii. 4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) ? 4NO(g) + 6H2O (g)1M iii. low temperature1M low pressure1M ( Note : The reaction is exothermic reaction. According to le Chatelier principle, a low temperature will favour the formation of NO. For gaseous equilibrium, a decrease in pressure will favour the reaction which produces more gaseous molecules. Thus in the above equilibrium a low pressure will avour the formation of NO. ) ________ 10M 4. (a) i. A is CH3CH2CH2COOH1M B is CH3CH2CH2COCl1M C is CH3CH2CH2COOCH2CH 1M ii. butanoyl chloride1M iii. Formation of ester: CH3CH2CH2COCl + CH3CH2OH > CH3CH2CH2COOCH2CH3 + HCl1M (b) i. H3N+CH2COOH + H2NCH(CH3)COOH > H2NCH2CONHCH(CH3)COOH + H2O1M Glycylalanine1M ( Note: Alanylglycine can also be formed ) ii. The amino group –NH2 which is basic group reacts with hydrochloric acid to form the ammonium chloride salt of alanine1M HOOCCH(CH3)NH2 + HCl > HOOCCH(CH3)NH3+Cl- 1M ___________ 10 M SECTION B – ESSAY 5. (a) (i) Orbitals with the same energy1M Example : 2p or 3d s orbitals1M ii) Nitrogen atom has 7 electrons 1M Fill 1s orbital with 2 electrons1M Fill 2s orbital with 2 electrons1M Fill 2px,2py and 2pz orbitals with 3 electrons1M / 6 1M (b) Fe 2+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d4 1M Fe 3+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d5 1M In terms of electronic configuration, Fe 3+ is more stable than Fe 2+ 1M Because it has half-filled 3d orbital which is more stable1M. / 4 (c ) The valence electronic configu ration of the electrons for nitrogen atom is 2s2 2px1 2py1 2pz11M Nitrogen atom uses sp3 hybrid orbitals for forming covalent bonds between N and H atoms. Energy 2p sp3 hybrid porbitals N(ground state) 1M In sp3 hybrid orbitals of nitrogen atom,one of the orbitals Is occupied by a lone pair of electrons and three sp3 orbitals are half filled 1M Each N-H atom is formed by the overlapping of the s orbital of hydrogen atom with one of the half filled sp3 orbitals to give the ammonia molecule 1M Diagram of the bond formation in NH3 molecule. M /. 5 ——————- Total : 15 M 6. (a) Dyanamic equilibrium †¦. a reversible reaction , in a closed system forward and backward reactions have the same rate of reaction. 2M (b) (i) N2O4 – 2NO2 Kc = [NO2] 2 = [0. 12] 2 [N2O4] [0. 04] = 0. 36 mol dm-3 5M (ii) Using PV =nRT where n = 0. 12 +0. 04 = 0. 16 mol P = 0. 16 (8. 31) (383) 10 -3 = 509. 24 kPa. 3M (c) N2(g) + 3H2(g) 2NH3(g) – at low temperatures, % NH3 is higher – forward reaction is exothermic equilibrium position shifts to the right at higher temperature -forward reaction is accompa nied by a reduction in volume of gas -at higher pressures, equilibrium position shifts to the right -at high pressures, % NH3 is higher5M ————— Total : 15M No. 7 (a)(i) Aluminium metal is extracted by electrolysis The electrolyte is molten bauxite in sodium hexafluoroaluminate. The electroyte has aluminium ion and oxide ions. Anode : 2O2- — > O2 + 4e Cathode : Al3+ + 3e — > Al5M (ii) (Any 2 points) light Resistant to corrosion Strong alloy2M `(b)aluminium : A giant metallic structure, strong metallic bonf. Silicon : giant 3 D covalent structure. Strong covalent bond between silicon atomes. higher melting point Phosphorus and sulphur – Both are simple molecules. Weak van der waals between molecules Sulphur has a stronger intermolecular forces – S8 larger than P48M No 8. (a) chlorine – strong oxidation agent Bromide is oxidized to bromine E ° of chlorine is more positive than that of bromine. Cl2 + 2Br- —- > 2Cl- + Br24M (b)iodine forms triodes complex in KI. I2 + I- —- > I3- Iodine does not form any complex ions in water. I2 + 2H2O — > I- ¬ + HIO + H3O+4M (c)HCl is released in cold acid NaCl + H2SO4 a NaHSO4 + HCl If heated more HCl released. NaHSO4 + NaCl -a Na2SO4 + HCl4M (d) Iodide is oxidized to iodine Purple Iodine is released Pungent smell of H2S is detected3M ————– Total : 15M 9. ( a ) ( i ) order : W, Y, X W, Y, X act as Lewis bases. X is the strongest base because ethyl group is an electron donor by inductive effect. Y is more basic than W because the lone pair electron on the N atom is not delocalised. W is less basic than Y because the lone pair electron on the N atom is delocalised into the benzene ring. M ( ii ) pKb value > 9. 39 Z is a weaker base than W. Presence of Cl – an electron withdrawing group reduces the donating potential of lone pair electron on the N atom through inductive effect. 4M ( b ) Concentated H2SO4 and HNO3. , 550C Mechanism: HNO3 + H2SO4 NO2+ + HSO4– + H2O NO2+ is an electrophile. H + NO2+ NO2 H NO2 + HSO4– –NO2 + H2SO4 + HNO3 –NO2 + H2O 6M Total : 15 marks 0 . ( a ) ( i ) Terylene/Dacron ~~~~O – CH2 – CH2 – O – C – –C – O – CH2 – CH2 – O – C – –C~~~~ 3M || || || || O O O O ( ii ) Condensation polymerisation To make cloth/sleeping bags, etc 2M ( b ) ( i ) K: functional group : -OH isomers : CH3CH2CH2OH and CH3CHCH3OH arm isomers separately with alkaline iodine, CH3CHCH3OH gives a yellow precipitate but CH3CH2CH2OH does not. CH3CH2CH2OH + 4I2 + 6OH– CHI3 + 5I– + 5H2O + CH3COO– 5M (ii ) L : functional group : ? C = O | Isomers : CH3CH2CHO and CH3COCH3 warm isomers separately with Tollen’s reagent. CH3CH2CHO gives a silver mirror but CH3COCH3 does not. CH3CH2CHO + 2[Ag(NH3)2]2+ + OH– CH3CH2COO– + 2Ag + 2NH4+ + 2NH3 5M Note: Can also accept other suitable chemical test. Total : 15 marks

Monday, September 16, 2019

Explain what is meant by natural law Essay

Natural moral law contains ethical theories which express that there is a natural order to our world that should be followed. A quote from Cicero, De Republica elaborates on the idea that natural law ethics is a universal and a prescriptive ethical theory, â€Å"The law will not lay down one rule in Rome and another in Athens†¦ There will be one law eternal and unchangeable, binding at all times upon all people†. Natural law suggests deontological and absolutist ideas although there seems to be some form of flexibility. The natural order, according to the theory, which humans supposedly obtain, is from some supernatural power. Natural law relies on human reason and how we interpret different situations and acting accordingly; if all humans share this similar reasoning then we must all bare the same ethical code. The earliest date that has been found of a theory of natural law appeared amongst Stoics. It explains how all humans have something within that aids them to live according to nature. Interestingly the early theories state that humans have a choice in abiding by laws but they must use their reason to understand and decide to abide or not. This differs slightly from Thomas Aquinas’ view as he believes in precepts that must be abided by. Aristotle’s ideas can be tied with natural law, such as the 4 causes. Aristotle explains in his work that every object has a specific nature, purpose and function. It is based on the religious conviction that God created the world, creating a sense of order and purpose to reflect his will. Furthermore, he believes that every object has a supreme good, for humans that are happiness. A sowing needle can be used as an example of supreme purpose, its purpose is thread though materials but it’s supreme good is to thread though a material as effort as possible by being as sharp as it can be. Aristotle believes that the supreme good for humans is to flourish in society and to live a life of reason. This is the same reason that humans must use to guide them though decisions in their life. Also in Aristotle’s work he says â€Å"the natural is that which everywhere is is equally valid, and depends not upon being or not being received†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ what Aristotle means here is that natural law exists whether or not we accept it , it will always be there for eternity. St Thomas Aquinas’ theory of natural law was mainly influence by the works of Aristotle and Plato. Aquinas’ was a Christian philosopher and theologian who developed a fuller account of the natural law. He describes natural law as a moral code existing within the purpose of nature that reflects Gods law, in a sense it is am aid to allow humans to achieve Gods given laws. Aristotle’s idea of purpose may have influenced him to expand on the idea. Aquinas’ theory of natural law differs from ‘divine command theory’ as Natural law is more accessible to all and it relies on reason. Furthermore Aquinas’ theory evaluates both acts and attitude as it allows humans to glorify God an express what a good God is. Like Aristotle, Aquinas explains how humans aim for a purpose but unlike Aristotle who believes this is happiness, he believes all humans are ‘made in the image of God’. Therefore the supreme good must be the development of this image of God, which is perfection. This perfection, according to Aquinas was not possible to be achieved in this life but only in the next life and the purpose of morality is to allow us to fulfill our desires. A fundamental part of his theory Is to achieve as much good as possible and avoiding evil. He believes this because we were created for one purpose and that is perfection . Aquinas believed that there was no such thing as evil as we are all made in the image of God, therefore it is logical for Aquinas to say humans do not carry out evil but apparent goods. For example if a person commits adultery he or she believes that it is good , although this is an error of reason they have apparently done the right thing according to them. Aquinas’ theory of natural law greatly stresses the fact that our nature is knowable and we need to use our reason to know it and understand it. The fundamental primary principles of natural law are of great importance to Aquinas’s theory. They are always true and always apply to everyone. They are: the preservation of life, continuation of species, educating children, lives in society and worshiping God, which is the most important. Although some aspects of these precepts can be debatable, masturbation is against the primary precept as it does not preserve life. But then one can rebuttal and say that rape would be acceptable as it preserving life. The secondary precepts are more flexible and realistic; they are a specific application of primary precepts, such as; do not murder and defend the defenseless. Such examples do not need working out the moral code as they take into account our human limitations and weaknesses, therefore they are presented as relatively straight forward. ‘Natural law is unjust’ Discuss In my opinion there is no ethical theory that pleases everyone, there is bound to one or more flaws. Such theories that have been worked on very many years ago prove hard to search for answers concerning our modern world. Natural law finds it exceedingly challenging to relate to complex decisions to basic principles, for example ; should more money be spent helping charities or on hospitals. It leaves one stuck between two options. Abortion would be considered against the natural ethic code. Having an abortion is stopping life and limiting reproduction, against ‘many and multiply’. But putting abortion in the context of saving a life shows a different perspective. If the mother was in a situation where she would not be able to supporting a child, surely that would benefit instead create life that would suffer. Another topic that is disputable is contraception. Similarly with contraception it is prohibiting new life but then again it can be for the greater good. For example protected sex prevents sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore a weakness to natural moral law according to Aquinas’ is that it assumes everyone carries out good acts, I find this slightly deluded and optimistic. I find hard to believe that acts such as rape an apparent good, surely one who carries out such an action knows that this is wrong; some people may want to be perceived as evil for unknown reasons. Different societies have different natural values therefore it is hard accepting one universal law. Among the weaknesses, there are several strengths to natural law. It does give a concise, clear-cut approach to morality and establishing common rules which day to day topics can be related to. It has a fairly positive approach by mainly concentrating on the potential goodness than the wrong. Furthermore Natural law concentrates on the character of humans and there potential for goodness rather than the right or wrong decisions on certain acts, it attempts to bring the best out of a situation, it proves to allow some degree of flexibility. It also emphasizes the fulfillment of our natures, all the things we require for happiness – health, friends, the purpose of our existence and morality. Some aspects of natural law I believe to be unjust, such as abortion for the greater good. It seems to be a very optimistic ethical view, which seeks only the good in humans, but in a sense it seems to shun bad as a whole which In my opinion is unjust.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis of the Carlsberg Advertisements

Analysis of Carlsberg Advertisements Cultural differences and similarities between Denmark and Great Britain Consumer Behaviour RSM353 Chernenko Kirill The following examination of British and Danish versions of printed advertisements of Carlsberg beer is to determine role of culture in advertising and compare and contrast how the same brand is advertised in different cultures. I. Danish printed advertisement The poster shows 4 men in the forest having conversation and smiling, meanwhile everyone has a bottle in a hand.The background shows the connection to wild nature: large green trees together with five fallow dears, a magpie, a fox and a pheasant. The men have been hunting, possibly, and decided to take a break. The idea is to illustrate a moment of relaxation and enjoyment of Carlsberg beer in a good company. The slogan â€Å"Vores ol brygget pa det bedste vi har† (Our beer. Brewed from the best we have) at the bottom, involves different product characteristics. The first part â€Å"Vores ol† awakes the awareness of Danes, because their traditional beer connects people in Denmark.Per contra, the final part focuses on quality of a beverage, which worth to go hunting. The image and the content of a text box creates a unified whole. The advertisement illustrates the traditional myth of drinking beer since hunting is an old tradition and according to the text box â€Å"Only 11% of the Danish hunters are hunting to hunt† which implies social interaction with friends. And, therefore, the social belonging to that particular group is related to drinking beer.Furthermore, Carlsberg beer can be seen as a reward for hard-working process, going beyond the beverage and highlighting old traditional values which express the hunting myth. In addition, a humor takes special place in this print. Relaxed hunters are surrounded by animals, walking nearby very close. It seems that animals are not afraid of intruders. The beer is no longer just a beer. It b uilds community and harmony between the people, and also between the animals. This is a signal of weak uncertainty avoidance in Denmark.Carlsberg beer provides relaxing atmosphere and sense of peace as well as hygge (fun on Danish). Moreover, the poster represents the everyday culture, playing on the symbolic associations. Consequently, Carlsberg intends to tell a true story about the real product. Denmark is a very individualistic culture where independence is very important. Nevertheless, the Danish advertisement (the slogan â€Å"Vores ol†) contradicts individualism. Instead, the advertisement drives towards collectivism.It turns out that Danes are double-standard people: they keep distance from other people, sitting alone in public transit while they pursue the sense of belonging, seeking community involvement. Ultimately, Denmark is categorized as a low-context culture. That means that additional information and reasoning is required. Although this poster does not provid e explicit argumentation apart from slogan and little text box. In my opinion, information given is sufficient enough to deliver the message to Danish consumer. II. British printed advertisementUK version demonstrates 2 young men sitting on a terrace of a luxury house with a sea view and two beautiful young women in the background The woman standing next to swimming pool is showered by a cloud above. Next to her is another young woman, who is lying in the sun with a rainbow over her body. Aforesaid young men are both smiling and holding a bottle of beer. There is a snowing cloud between them, which keeps the beer on the table refrigerated. Perhaps, they talk to each other, sharing opinions and ideas about everything behind them, which is not realistic.It can be assumed that the man on the left is telling about his fantasy (which is the actual background of a print). This flight of imagination is correlated with a text box â€Å"Carlsberg don't do the weather, but if we did it would probably be the best weather in the world†. I will interpret it this way: Carlsberg is already producing the best beer in the world; if only Carlsberg made weather, it would also be the best in the world. The informal contradiction â€Å"don’t† is used to make the text ordinary, which links to the fact that Carlsberg beer is an everyday beer for any event, any time.According to this ad, the best weather is summertime, beautiful ladies either taking shower of rain or sunbathing and cold Carlsberg beer with a snowing cloud above. This idealistic lifestyle reflects the fantasies and desires of younger audience, which is the actual target population. This unrealistic weather is not only a castle in the sky, a dream, but also a myth of success which implies luxury, nice weather and exclusive alcoholic beverages. Young men stylish clothes and beautiful beach house proves that link.British small power distance is visible in this poster by the use of four independent yo ung people who are able to make ideals in countries, where individualism is highly valued. Beer-drinking culture in is also manifested in this advertisement. In Great Britain beer is a social drink, it is not consumed alone, it should be shared in a company. Just like in Denmark, British are double-standard people: individualistic community seekers. Overstatement in slogan â€Å"Probably the best beer in the world is a sign of masculine cultures, it is often used.The features of the product related to luxury and high status is another a signal of masculinity. On the other hand, slogan also has an understatement â€Å"probably† which represent feminine values. Weak uncertainty avoidance can be noticed in text box focused on what the product does rather than what it can. And again, if Carlsberg could modify the weather it would be just as good as their beer. Communication style is more high-context than low-context. This is caused by the indirect, implicit message the viewer h ave to understand (metaphor: snowing clouds performs the role of refrigerator). III.Cultural Differences and Similarities The above analysis of Carlsberg advertisements of Denmark and United Kingdom illustrates how dominant cultural values, believes and norms reflect the style and content of particular print. There are some characteristics in common while there are a few differences. In the first place, both advertisements involves myths. However, British one provides the myth of success, whereas Danish ad is linked to old Dane traditional values such as hunting and social interaction. Secondly, in both posters beer-drinking culture is related to social process and relaxing activity.The Denmark version possess harmony, peace and community while British focal point is high quality and exclusive luxury. Thirdly, both Denmark and Great Britain advertisements are high-context despite the fact that both countries are classified as low-context. Text boxes are not that informative such as the image scenario. Although Danish ad is more symbolic meanwhile British one has more high-context communication. Last but not least, in both prints all characters are smiling, expressing the joy and satisfaction. This is a distinctive feature of strong uncertainty avoidance cultures.On top of that, both countries are double-standard combining individualism with collectivism (as previously mentioned â€Å"individualistic community seekers†). Still, UK ad demonstrates more signs of highly individualistic values Appendix A Danish printed advertisement, 1999 Only 11% of the Danish hunters are hunting to hunt There is intelligence that can create intense peace as the taste of the original Carlsberg humble exclusively from flowers of the hemp plant Our beer. Brewed from the best we have Appendix B British printed advertisement, 2007

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The Relationship between Medical Technology

It Is Important to study biochemistry if you want to be a medical technologist, because it is a basic knowledge required in a clinical practice. It is an Important building block if you are going to study medicine. Biochemistry discusses the chemistry of various body portion Like the blood, urine or any other fluids, since medical technologists analyze those to determine a disease.Biochemistry will help medical technologists understand physiological disorders and diseases. In geochemistry we study about the cell It's parts, functions and chemical reactions, a medical technologists should understand the cell because It Is the cell, which Is being observed whenever someone Is trying to figure out what Is wrong with his or her health.There Is what we call the â€Å"CB† or complete blood count this Is an evaluation of the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, If you know nothing about cells it will be impossible for you to figure out what is doing okay and what is not, if there is a difference or if something is wrong, if you don't know about all the acacias then you can not perform your job as a medical technologists well.There are many other test associated with the cell so it is important to know about basic properties first before moving into much advance subjects so that you will have a guide or you can prepare yourself or at least you already have an idea on what you will do. Also we study about carbohydrates, learning and understanding carbohydrates is essential so one medical technologists can monitor your blood's glucose level, to know if you have diabetes or not. Because high level of glucose is usually a sign of diabetes.Proteins is also one of the lessons being taught in biochemistry Protein builds, maintains, and replaces the tissues in your body. The right amount of protein is important in our diets, for growth and repair, and also protein is a important building block in the body. Proteins can be antibodies, hormonal, enzymes and c ontractile proteins, so that is why I think it is a must that medical technologist know about it because it provides structural support and it is a defense against germs and infections.Lipids is also being discussed, it is important o medical technology because it is the bulk of a living matter is made up of lipids, Lipids carry fat soluble vitamins and form special bimolecular. Lipid imbalance can lead to serious diseases like obesity and atherosclerosis. Break down of fatty acid produce energy, excessive breakdown cause ketosis, acidosis's, coma and death. And It Is the Job of a medical technologist to figure this out before things become worst. Biochemistry talks about nucleic acids about DNA and RNA and etc. Tests of DNA and RNA can be used to find most of the conversions found by cytokine tests. They can also find some conversions or change Involving parts of chromosomes too small to be seen under a microscope with usual cytokine testing. This type of advanced testing can help classify some leukemia and, less often, some sarcomas and carcinomas. These tests are also useful after treatment to find small numbers of remaining leukemia cancer cells that may be missed under a fluids because Medical technologists are known to perform and analyze the results of complex scientific tests on blood and bodily fluids.One of the MAJOR subject a tech student would encounter is homology and I like to believe that biochemistry will serve as a guide for us to be prepared and have basic idea about that subject. When something is wrong with your blood, it can affect your total health. That is why it is important for a certain mediate to know or analyze so he/ she can deliver test results to a doctor or patient. And of course there is urine, urinalysis have, for hundreds of years, been one of the ways physicians have looked at health, studying urine might not be the best thing to do but it will all be worth it in the end.One should be accurate and analyze things well and I t hink everything will Just be fine. I know there is a lot more because after doing this I concluded that maybe biochemistry is one of medical technologies bestrides because they are so much alike and it comes hand in hand. After doing this essay I realized that biochemistry is not Just something you should be â€Å"easy easy' with because it will play a major role in those major subjects that doesn't sound easy, I'm glad this serves as an eye opener for me to do my best, listen and study really well.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Financial Statment Analyasys Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Statment Analyasys - Case Study Example was established in the year 1980 for retail sale of â€Å"natural and organic foods† (Edgar Online 1). It became the first grocer enterprise to receive national organic certification among grocers. The organization’s history has been based on its mission of quality products towards high health standards and supports national movements for natural and organic foods. The organization floated its initial public offer in the year 1992 and currently operates more than 300 stores globally. Most of its stores have many years of existence in the market, with an average of ten years in their respective locations. Most of the stores are in the United States but subsidiaries exist in Canada and the United Kingdom. Retail in natural and organic foods is the organization’s core operation. Focus on social responsibility such as environmental consciousness and the need to improve health through quality product, despite nature of competition, are the most interesting features of the organization. I preferred the company to others because of its prominence in the industry. 2. The purpose of the ‘management discussion and analysis section’ is to offer the management’s position on its organization’s financial features on a times series scale. ... The section also explains existence of competition, describes the entity’s products, and offers a summary of financial data over the past three accounting periods. Its clear and outlined organization is the most interesting thing and it communicates high prospects and stability of the entity. 3. Ernst & Young LLP is the organization’s independent auditor. 4. The auditor’s opinion validates reported information by the management. The auditor’s opinion, in the form, approved the company’s statement to be a fair representation of the company’s financial position. The opinion is unqualified because it offers no reservation on reliability of the financial statements. 5. The company did not change its auditors. 6. The 10-K includes certification statement required by Sarbanes-Oxley and John Mackey signed the certification. The certification qualifies the report’s compliance with sections 13(a) and 15(d) of the Security Exchange Act and that the report is a fair representation of the organization’s financial position and operational outcomes and means the management’s adoption of the financial statements. 7. The lowest stock price for the last financial year was $ 60.39 while the highest price was $ 100.5. The following table summarized trend in data for the period ended 2012. Graph 1: Stock daily closing stock prices 8. The stock prices had a generally decreasing trend with a level of volatility, politics is a major factor as the nation headed for presidential elections in November 2012, and the management did not associate the decline with economic factors. 9. The industry identifies positive prospects based on accounting rations such as revenue growth, return on equity, and long-term

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Technology in the ESL elementary classroom Term Paper

Technology in the ESL elementary classroom - Term Paper Example One of the primary ways that the whiteboard can be used to help ESL teaching is in student motivation: â€Å"[O]nce a chapter section or story has been assigned and read for homework, the teacher can use an electronic â€Å"flip chart† presentation, displayed on a screen in front of the class, that visually emphasizes academic vocabulary and important content from the lesson. The flip chart allows a teacher to hide, reveal, and highlight text and images as necessary to motivate students† (Wappel, 2010). The flipchart allows vocabulary to be presented in interesting ways and can be used to encourage immediate participation. â€Å"To enhance and complement the teacher’s chart, each student is given an interactive tool. Using these hand held devices, the classmates can record their responses to quiz or test questions, either in an objective (true-false or multiple choice) format or using complete sentences† (Wappel, 2010). Teachers can pair immediate reinforc ement with students' answers, and students can feel that their participation is being immediately noted and rewarded. Whiteboard programs also allow collaborative on-line text editing and participation. â€Å"The on-line texts are particularly helpful in trying to get a large group of language learners to focus on one element of a lesson together. The format allows a teacher to have better control of a class and maintain continuous eye contact while directing attention to a particular sentence, paragraph, or picture in the text. The online texts also offer practice quizzes and tests, a writing lab and interactive questions, all of which may be sent electronically to the teacher† (Wappel, 2010). Eye contact during ESL teaching is one of the ways to build schemata and encourage interactive learning, making the process seem more human and less difficult (Stott, 2001). Students can be put into online groups, able to discuss and work together, figuring out each others' weak points and letting them build confidence collectively on assignments. â€Å"A bank of computers in Solebury’s ESL Center enables students to become part of an online community through e-mail, chat rooms, and posting and reading announcements and homework on the school’s web site† (Wappel, 2010). Any instructor knows that one of the most important elements is staving off boredom and prompting interest (Wappel, 2010). Whiteboard software allows teachers a wide variety of approaches. Stress, rhythm and structure exercises can be specially created which are not only different from the regular classroom process but also interactive, giving immediate feedback. In particular, the ability to encourage participation in other areas besides direct, verbal participation is useful. Shore argues that one of the ways to encourage participation and reduce stress for ESL students is to â€Å"Encourage participation in less language-demanding subject areas: music, art, physical educat ion† and provide opportunities for success. Whiteboard projects can allow students to sing along, make presentations with their own prompts, and otherwise demonstrate their skills in a non-threatening manner and setting. Whiteboards also allow participation to be immediately rewarded (Jeffrey, 2003). Jeffrey proposes a â€Å"

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Existentialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Existentialism - Essay Example Levinas claimed that human existence in terms of Holocaust is rather a descriptive than prescriptive. Thus, Levinas claimed that humans were unable to oppose to a dreadful Holocaust. There can be no religious solution to the phenomenon of Holocaust. Therefore, these philosophers question the existence of God. Such an awful historical whip has made these philosophers reevaluate their attitude to God and religion. The reasons for God’s actions cannot be interpreted. Auschwitz existence cannot be removed from our history; nevertheless it is possible to prevent its future occurrence. With this regard, the essence of its existence should be found out. Concerning the basic concepts of a human existence, such as freedom†, â€Å"responsibility† and â€Å"suffering†, Frankl suggests an interesting interpretation of these concepts from existential perspective. Frankl considers freedom from an existential perspective and he considers it together with the concept of re sponsibility. Existential freedom of a person exists in spite of the fact whether he is politically free or not. Frankl relates freedom and responsibility in the following terms: "Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual" (Frankl).